1. Performance Indicator Management System
    2. Project Information Management System
    3. Payload Information Management System
    4. Plasma Interactions Monitoring System
    5. Pesticide Incident Monitoring System
    6. Pacific Islands Monograph Series
    7. Parkinson's impact scale
    8. Passive infrared motion sensor
    9. Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences
    10. Partnership for Peace Information Management System
    11. Plant Information Management System
    12. Police Informant Management System
    13. Patient Information Management System
    14. Phosphatidylinositol mannosides - also PIM
    15. Pittsburgh Institute Of Mortuary Science
    16. Plasma Integration Monitoring System
    17. Plutonium Inventory Measurements System
    18. Pooled inventory management system
    19. Production Information Management System - also PRODMS

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