- Programmable machine controller
- Permanently Manned Capability
- Payload Monitoring and Control
- Procurement Method Code
- Pseudo-Machine Code
- Polymer Matrix Composite
- Program Management Council
- Pressure-Modulator Cell
- Project Management Committee
- Planning Ministers Council
- Polyimide Matrix Composites
- Polymer Matrix Composites
- Private Medical Communication
- Program Management Control
- Project Management Corporation
- IATA code for El Tepual Airport, Puerto Montt, Chile
- Pacific Microelectronics Centre
- Packet Mode Channel
- Peripheral blood mononuclear cells - also PBMC, PBMCs, PBM, PBMNC, PBMNCs, PBMs, PBL, PBMN, PMBC, PMNC, PB-MNC, PMCs, PBC, PBMNs, PB-MNCs, PBLs, PB-MCs and p-PBMC
- Program Management and Control - also PM&C
- Partial Mission Capable - also PMCM
- Peripheral mononuclear cells - also PMNC, PMN, PMNCs and PMCs
- Peritoneal mast cells - also PMCs
- Peritoneal mesothelial cells - also PMCs
- Pleural mesothelial cells - also PMCs
- Patient Management Categories - also PMCs
- Pollen mother cells - also PMCs
- Primary mesenchyme cells - also PMCs
- Planning and Management Committee - also P&MC
- Post Ministerial Conference
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