1. Purified protein derivative
    2. PostScript Printer Description
    3. Physical Page of Data
    4. Prepaid - also PP, p.p., ppd. and prepd
    5. Postpartum depression - also PD
    6. Project planning document
    7. Periodontal pocket depth
    8. Peak particle diameter
    9. P-Phenylenediamine - also PPDA and pPhDA
    10. Paired-pulse depression
    11. Partial Packet Discard
    12. Packs per day
    13. Paraphenylenediamine - also PPDA
    14. Performance Planning Document
    15. Perianal Paget's disease
    16. Periodontal probing depth
    17. Parallel Presence Detect
    18. Pervasive developmental disorder - also PDD
    19. Preprodynorphin - also PPDYN and Pdyn
    20. Pocket probing depths - also PPDs
    21. Purified protein derivatives - also PPDs
    22. Posterior polymorphous dystrophy - also ppmd
    23. Production and planning directive - also P&PD

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