- Pulse repetition frequency - also PFR
- Pulse Recurrence Frequency
- Plutonium Reclamation Facility
- Parachute Refurbishment Facility
- Partial reinforcement - also PR
- Perforin - also Pf, PFN and perf
- Patient Registration Form
- Partially reinforced
- Personality Research Form
- Penetration room filtration
- Plethodontid receptivity factor
- Performance Related Funding
- Personnel readiness file
- Plutonium Recovery Facility
- Point response function
- PowerShares Exchange-Traded Fund Trust - also PBE, PBJ, PBS, PBW, PEJ, PFM, PHJ, PIC, PID, PJP, PKB, PMR, PPA, PSI, PSJ, PUI, PWB, PWJ, PWP, PWT, PWV, PWY, PXE, PXJ, PXN, PXQ and PZI
- Pontine reticular formation - also PnC
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