1. Pulmonary function test
    2. Permanent Full Time
    3. Pause For Thought
    4. Phenylalanine mustard, 5 fluorouracil, tamoxifen
    5. Physical Fitness Test
    6. Pig fallopian tube
    7. Piping fabrication traveler
    8. Plant Functional Type
    9. Portable flame-thrower
    10. Poway Federation of Teachers
    11. Pifithrin-alpha - also PFT-alpha and PFTalpha
    12. Posterior fossa tumour
    13. Philadelphia Federation of Teachers
    14. Pancreatic function test
    15. Pipelined Frequency Transform
    16. Peoria Federation of Teachers
    17. Plainedge Federation of Teachers
    18. Plexiform fibrohistiocytic tumor
    19. Pulmonary function tests - also PFTs
    20. Protein farnesyltransferase - also PFTase

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