1. Probabilistic Risk Assessment
    2. PRAEFKE
    4. Participatory Rural Appraisal
    5. Primary Rate Access
    6. Paperwork Reduction Act
    7. Progressive retinal atrophy
    8. Paint Research Association
    9. Permanent resident alien
    10. Plasma renin activity
    11. Planned Regulatory Action
    12. Plutonium recycle acid
    13. Pre-Retirement Association
    14. Praziquantel - also PZQ, PZ, PQT and PQ
    15. Panel reactivity
    16. IATA code for General Urquesa Airport, Parana, Argentina
    17. Panel reactive antibodies - also PRAs
    18. Panel reactive antibody
    19. PAL recode adapter
    20. Prazosin - also PZ, Praz, PRZ, PZN and PR
    21. Progesterone receptor A - also PR-A
    22. Protein A - also pA, ProtA and ProA

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