1. Regional council
    2. Reserve Component
    3. Remote Control - also R/C, RECON and RECO
    4. Resistance-capacitance
    5. Radiative-connective
    6. Range Command
    7. Reactor compartment
    8. Recovery Controller
    9. Radio Controlled
    10. Rate Command
    11. Reaction center
    12. Red Cross
    13. Reactor coolant
    14. Reed College
    15. Recurring Cost
    16. Reduced Charge
    17. Regional Center
    18. Reserve capacity
    19. Regional Counsel
    20. Roman Catholic - also R.C.
    21. Recombinant - also rec, r-, re-, re and RM
    22. Right coronary artery - also rca
    23. Renal cell carcinoma - also rca, rcc, Renca and RCCa
    24. Radicular cysts - also RCs and RRCs
    25. Respiratory control ratio - also RCR
    26. Radiochemotherapy - also RCT
    27. Renal carcinomas - also RCs and RCCs
    28. Recovery - also rec, RECOV, RR, RECY and R
    29. Renal carcinoma - also Renca and RCC
    30. Receptor - also RE, RP, ROR, Rec, RR, RTR, ret, rER and R
    31. Resource - also RES, R and Resourc
    32. Resistance - also r, RESIS, Rt, RI, Rn, rin, Ra, Rs, Re, RTE, RES and Rss
    33. Reference Configuration - also REFCON
    34. Reticulocyte count - also retic ct and Ret
    35. Reference number Category code - also RNCC
    36. Radionuclide cisternography - also RNC
    37. Radio Control - also R/C
    38. Rickettsia conorii - also r conorii

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