1. Radio Corporation of America
    2. Root Cause Analysis
    3. Ricinus communis agglutinin - also RCA-I and RCAI
    4. Royal College of Art
    5. Right coronary artery - also RC
    6. Radiological controlled area
    7. Refugee Cash Assistance
    8. Radiative Cooler Assembly
    9. Retirement compensation arrangement
    10. Remote Control Amplifier
    11. Response Calibration Audit
    12. Riot Control Agent
    13. Right carotid artery
    14. Rolling circle amplification
    15. IATA code for Ellsworth AFB, Rapid City, South Dakota, United States
    16. Rabbit carotid artery
    17. Radiation Control Agency
    18. Radiofrequency catheter ablation - also RFCA, RFA and RF-CA
    19. Renal cell carcinoma - also rcc, Renca, RC and RCCa
    20. Retrochiasmatic area - also RCh
    21. Right coronary arteries - also RCAs
    22. Royal College of Anaesthetists - also RCOA
    23. Ricinus communis agglutinin I - also RCAI

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