1. Reaction Control System
    2. Reactor coolant system
    3. Radar cross section
    4. Remote Control System
    5. Royal College of Surgeons
    6. Reloadable Control Storage
    7. Reports Control Symbol
    8. Revision Control System - also RVC
    9. Royal College of Science
    10. Royal Commonwealth Society
    11. Reuter centrifugal sampler
    12. Radio Communication System
    13. Rabbit aorta contracting substance
    14. Radicular cysts - also RC and RRCs
    15. Radar Cross-Section
    16. Radio communications system
    17. Royal College of Surgeons of England - also RCSENG
    18. Renal cell carcinomas - also RCCs and RCC
    19. Records Communications Switching System - also RCSS
    20. Renal carcinomas - also RC and RCCs
    21. Recombinant Congenic Strains - also RCSs

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