- Regional Director
- Remedial Design
- Receive Data - also RXD
- Registered Dietitian
- Research and Development - also R&D, RAD, R & D, RAND and Res Dev
- Requirements Document
- Restricted data - also RESDAT
- Rural Development
- Readiness Date
- Reference Designator
- Relative density
- Renal disease
- Radar Detection
- Radiation Detection
- Radius of Damage
- Raynaud's disease
- Reaction-diffusion
- Registered dietician
- Registration Division
- Remove Directory - also RMDIR
- Rendezvous Point - also RP
- Received Data - also RXD
- Retinal dystrophy - also rdy
- Rhodopsin - also RHO, Rh and R
- REM sleep deprivation - also REMSD, RSD and REMD
- Right lymphatic duct - also RLD
- Replacement Detachment - also REPLDET
- Rhabdomyosarcoma - also rms, RMSA and RH
- Rubredoxin - also rub
- Red - also R
- Read - also R
- ROAD - also R and r.
- Rate of disappearance - also R(d)
- Rate Distortion - also R-D
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