1. Regional Director
    2. Remedial Design
    3. Receive Data - also RXD
    4. Registered Dietitian
    5. Research and Development - also R&D, RAD, R & D, RAND and Res Dev
    6. Requirements Document
    7. Restricted data - also RESDAT
    8. Rural Development
    9. Readiness Date
    10. Reference Designator
    11. Relative density
    12. Renal disease
    13. Radar Detection
    14. Radiation Detection
    15. Radius of Damage
    16. Raynaud's disease
    17. Reaction-diffusion
    18. Registered dietician
    19. Registration Division
    20. Remove Directory - also RMDIR
    21. Rendezvous Point - also RP
    22. Received Data - also RXD
    23. Retinal dystrophy - also rdy
    24. Rhodopsin - also RHO, Rh and R
    25. REM sleep deprivation - also REMSD, RSD and REMD
    26. Right lymphatic duct - also RLD
    27. Replacement Detachment - also REPLDET
    28. Rhabdomyosarcoma - also rms, RMSA and RH
    29. Rubredoxin - also rub
    30. Red - also R
    31. Read - also R
    32. ROAD - also R and r.
    33. Rate of disappearance - also R(d)
    34. Rate Distortion - also R-D

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