- Radiated Emissions
- Reference Equivalent
- Radiated Emission
- Rare-earth
- REUNION - also REU
- Radiation equipment
- Rate Effect
- Reasonable Efforts
- REgarding - also re.
- Relative error
- Removal Efficiency
- Random Error
- Resident Engineer
- Range Extender
- Re-entry
- Reference electrode
- Relative efficiency
- Religious Education
- Reportable Event
- Responsible Engineer
- Reynolds number - also RN
- Restriction endonuclease - also REn and REase
- Recombinant - also rec, r-, re-, RM and rc
- Relay - also RLY, RLA, R and Rel
- Rabbit erythrocytes - also RaE
- Regards - also RGDS and RX
- Resistance - also r, RESIS, Rt, RI, Rn, rin, Ra, Rs, RTE, Rc, RES and Rss
- Resistance exercise - also REX
- Hello Again - also HA and REHI
- Reference - also REF and ref.
- Retinol - also Rol and RET
- Resveratrol - also RES, RV, RSV and RSVL
- Respiration - also resp, r, rsp and Rt
- Reticular nucleus - also RT and RTN
- Real Estate - also R/E
- Research and Engineering - also R&E
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