Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Viết tắt.

    1. Reserve - also RSV, RR and R
    2. Reset - also RST and R
    3. Reticuloendothelial system
    4. Resolution - also Rs and R
    5. Remote Execution Service
    6. Resource - also RC, R and Resourc
    7. Reservoir - also RSVR, RESVR, RSV, RV, R and Resr
    8. Resident - also R
    9. Resistance - also r, RESIS, Rt, RI, Rn, rin, Ra, Rs, Re, RTE, Rc and Rss
    10. Resuscitation - also RS and R
    11. Reticula Endothelial System
    12. Radiated Electromagnetic Susceptibility
    13. Radar Environment Simulation
    14. Radiation exposure status
    15. Radiation Exposure State
    16. Radar-Electronic Support
    17. Radio Equipment and Systems
    18. Restriction - also Restr
    19. Resveratrol - also RV, RSV, RSVL and RE

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