1. Random phase approximation
    2. Record and Playback Assembly
    3. Request for Procurement Action - also RFPA
    4. Retarding Potential Analyzer
    5. Reserve Personnel, Army
    6. RNAse protection assay
    7. Replication factor A - also RFA and RF-A
    8. Rabbit isolated pulmonary artery
    9. Rabbit pulmonary artery
    10. Radiation Protection Act
    11. Radioprotective ability
    12. Rear Parking Assist
    13. Recombinant PA
    14. Radiation Protection Adviser
    15. Radio Propagation Analysis
    16. Raphe pallidus - also RP
    17. Rapid plate agglutination
    18. Real Property Administration
    19. Replication protein A - also RP-A
    20. Reverse passive Arthus reaction - also RPAR
    21. RNase protection assays - also RPAs
    22. Ribonuclease protection assays - also RPAs
    23. Reteplase - also r-PA

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