1. Radiated Susceptibility
    2. Reed Solomon
    3. Reference Standard
    4. Radiation Status
    5. Recommended Standard
    6. Royal Society
    7. Radiation source
    8. Radio Science - also Radio Sci
    9. Raman spectroscopy - also RRS
    10. Rat serum
    11. Record Separator
    12. Redundant Set - also R/S
    13. Radiation Susceptibility
    14. Raman scattering
    15. Random sample
    16. Raster Scan
    17. Reactor safety
    18. Redundancy Status
    19. Reference section
    20. Request to Send - also RTS
    21. Remote sensing - also R/S
    22. Ringed sideroblasts - also RAS and RA-S
    23. Radius - also R, RAD, R and ri
    24. Resuscitation - also RES and R
    25. Resolution - also RES and R
    26. Resistance - also r, RESIS, Rt, RI, Rn, rin, Ra, Re, RTE, Rc, RES and Rss
    27. Religious Studies - also RELS
    28. Recombination signal sequence - also RSS
    29. Respiratory syncytial virus - also rsf and rsv
    30. Restricted - also R and RSTRD
    31. Russia - also RUS, Rus., R and Russ
    32. Reed-Solomon - also R-S and R/S
    33. Reed-sternberg cells - also r-s and RSC

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