1. Repetitive Strain Injury
    2. Reusable Surface Insulation
    3. Radial Scientific Instrument
    4. Rationalization/standardization/interoperability
    5. Receipt, Storage and Issue
    6. Relative strength indicator
    7. Repetitive Stress Injury
    8. Rationalization, Standardization and Interoperability
    9. Repetitive Stress Injuries - also RSIs
    10. Reactor siting index
    11. Resources Systems, Inc.
    12. Record Status Indicator
    13. RADARSAT International Remote Sensing Institute
    14. Radiation Status Indicator
    15. Radionuclide scrotal imaging
    16. Radio Science Investigation
    17. Rapid sequence induction
    18. Rapid sequence intubation
    19. Radarsat International
    20. Repetitive Strain Injuries - also RSIs

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