1. Radiation monitor
    2. Redundancy Management
    3. Remote Manipulator
    4. Registered midwife
    5. Risk Management - also RSKM, Risk Manage and risk
    6. Resource Management
    7. ROOM - also R and r%m
    8. Radiation monitoring
    9. Red mud
    10. Reactor manufacturer
    11. Reference Mission
    12. RECORD MARK - also REC MARK
    13. Reference material
    14. Remote Module
    15. Rescue Module
    16. Reference method
    17. Release Mechanism
    18. Rendezvous Maneuver
    19. Reset Mode
    20. Recombinant - also rec, r-, re-, re and rc
    21. Rapamycin - also RAPA, RAP, RPM and Rp
    22. Reprogrammable Microprocessor - also RMP and REPROM
    23. Requirements Management - also REQM
    24. Recombinant murine - also rMu
    25. Rapeseed meal - also RSM
    26. Raphe magnus - also RMg

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