1. System Administrator - also SYSAD and SYSADMIN
    2. Source Address
    3. Subject to approval - also s.a. and S/A
    4. Safety analysis
    5. Selective Availability
    6. SAUDI ARABIA - also SAU
    7. South Australia
    8. Staging Area
    9. Single Access
    10. System Analysis
    11. Solar Array - also S/A
    12. Special Agent
    13. Small Arms
    14. Security Assistance
    15. Site Activation - also S/A
    16. Spectrum Analyzer - also SPA
    17. Software Assurance
    18. Storage Array
    19. Structured Analysis
    20. Sexual assault
    21. Scale - also SC and S
    22. Social System - Hệ thống trách nhiệm xã hội

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