1. T-cell clones - also TLC
    2. Tactical Communications and Control Systems
    3. Terminal complement complexes - also TCC
    4. Tactical Command and Control System - also TC2S
    5. Trace Contaminant Control System
    6. Taree Christian Community School
    7. Transcervical cells
    8. Theater Command and Control System
    9. Transcranial color-coded real-time sonography
    10. Toyota Computer Controlled System
    11. Transcranial colour-coded duplex sonography - also TCCD
    12. Transcranial color-coded duplex sonography - also TCCD
    13. Transcranial cortical stimulation
    14. Transcranial color-coded sonography
    15. Transitional cell carcinomas - also TCC
    16. Transcranial colour-coded real-time sonography
    17. Transitional cell cancers - also TCC

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