- Transforming growth factor - also TGF- and TFG
- Through-Group Filter
- Tegafur - also TG and TF
- T cell growth factor - also tcgf
- Terrain Feature Generation
- Therapeutic gain factor
- Therapeutic gain factors
- Titanium Greenfield filter
- TADIXS Gateway Facility
- Transforming growth factor-beta - also TGF-beta, TGF-beta(1), TGF-beta(2), TFG-beta and TGF-beta(3)
- Transportable Grout Facility
- Tank Grout Farm
- Tubuloglomerular feedback
- Thank God For
- Tubuloglomerular feedback system
- Transforming growth factors - also TGFs
- Tubuloglomerular feedback control
- Tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism
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