1. Uninterruptible power supply - also UX
    2. United Parcel Service - also UPOZ, UPSZ and UPWZ
    3. Uninterrupted Power Supply
    4. Upright Perigee Stage
    5. Unix Print Services
    6. Universal polar stereographic
    7. Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy
    8. Uninterruptible Power System
    9. Universal Power Supply - also UNPS
    10. Ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy
    11. Uninterruptible Power Source
    12. Uninterruptable Power Supply
    13. University of Puget Sound
    14. User Planning System
    15. Uki Public School
    16. Ulladulla Public School
    17. Ulmarra Public School
    18. Ubiquitin-proteasome system
    19. Ulan Public School
    20. Ulong Public School

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