1. Verify - also V and VFY
    2. Verification - also VERIF and V
    3. Version - also V
    4. VERA - also VRA
    5. VERSATILE - also verst
    6. Visual evoked response
    7. Visual evoked responses - also VERs
    8. Vertical Ejection Rack
    9. Voluntary Export Restraint
    10. IATA code for General Heriberto Jara International Airport, Veracruz, Veracruz, Mexico
    11. IATA code for Jesse Viertel Memorial Airport, Boonville, Missouri, United States
    12. Vehicle Expense Report
    13. Venous emptying rate
    14. Ventral ectodermal ridge
    15. Verapamil - also VRP, VP, VPL, VPM, VR and VE
    16. Verbascoside
    17. Variance Exception Report
    18. Ventricular evoked response
    19. Veratridine - also VTD and VT
    20. Vermont - also VT, V and Vt.
    21. Visually evoked responses - also VERs
    22. Voluntary Export Restriction

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