1. VIsual editor
    2. Virtual Instrument
    3. Visual Information
    4. Viscosity Index
    5. Vegetation Index
    6. Virtual Interface - also VIF
    7. Visual Impairment
    8. Visual Interactive
    9. Vent isolation
    10. Virus isolation
    11. Visual inspection
    12. VГЎradi syndrome
    13. Vanadate ion
    14. Vaginal irrigation
    15. Variability index
    16. Velocities - also Vo, Vc, Vs and VLCTYS
    17. Velocity - also V, VEL, vt, VO, Vc, VL, Veloc and VLCTY
    18. Vestibular nerve - also VN
    19. Ventilation - also VENT, ventil, v, VE, VA, Vt, Vl and Vent.
    20. Vertical impulse - also VIMP
    21. Victoria - also Vic and V
    22. Vimentin - also vim, VM and VMT

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