1. Visibility - also V and VSBY
    2. Visible - also V and VSB
    3. Video Information System
    4. Visual - also V
    5. Visual Instruction Set
    6. VISTEON
    7. Verification Information System
    8. Voice Information System
    9. Viscosity - also VISC and V
    10. Vaccine Information Statements
    11. Vehicular intercommunication system
    12. Venous insufficiency syndrome
    13. Vertical Incidence Sounder
    14. IATA code for Visalia Municipal Airport, Visalia, California, United States
    15. Vanguard Industrials VIPERs
    16. Variance index score
    17. Vehicular Intercommunications System
    18. Verlaessliche InformationsSysteme
    19. Vibration Isolation System
    20. Visible light - also VL
    21. VISTA - also VIST, VST and VSTA

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