1. Volatile organic compound
    2. Volatile Organic Chemical
    3. Volatile organic compounds - also VOCs
    4. Volatile Organic Carbon
    5. Voltage Open Circuit
    6. Valley Oak Charter
    7. Valley Oaks Charter
    8. Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie
    9. Very High Data Rate Digital Subscriber Line Overhead Control
    10. Vaso-occlusive crises
    11. VDSL Operations Channel
    12. Vaso-occlusive crisis
    13. Vocational - also V
    14. Very High Data Rate Digital Subscriber Line Operations Channel
    15. Viable organism count
    16. Vocal - also V
    17. VOiCe - also V, VO and VOX
    18. Volatile organic chemicals - also Vos and VOCs
    19. Voltage-operated Ca2+ channel - also VOCC
    20. Voltage-operated Ca2+ channels - also VOCC, VOCCs and VOCs
    21. Voltage-operated calcium channels - also VOCCs, VOCs and VOCC

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