- Volatile organic compound
- Volatile Organic Chemical
- Volatile organic compounds - also VOCs
- Volatile Organic Carbon
- Voltage Open Circuit
- Valley Oak Charter
- Valley Oaks Charter
- Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie
- Very High Data Rate Digital Subscriber Line Overhead Control
- Vaso-occlusive crises
- VDSL Operations Channel
- Vaso-occlusive crisis
- Vocational - also V
- Very High Data Rate Digital Subscriber Line Operations Channel
- Viable organism count
- Vocal - also V
- VOiCe - also V, VO and VOX
- Volatile organic chemicals - also Vos and VOCs
- Voltage-operated Ca2+ channel - also VOCC
- Voltage-operated Ca2+ channels - also VOCC, VOCCs and VOCs
- Voltage-operated calcium channels - also VOCCs, VOCs and VOCC
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