- Virtual Storage
- Variable Speed
- VINES Security
- Venturi Scrubber
- Vital signs - also V/s
- Volumetric solution
- Vertical speed - also V/S and VSP
- Voice Switch
- Verification Specification
- Vapor suppression
- Vesicular stomatitis
- Vacuum System
- Volatile solids
- Vacation sick
- Velocities - also vi, Vo, Vc and VLCTYS
- Versus - also V and vs.
- Vaginocervical stimulation - also VCS
- Viridans group streptococci - also VGS
- Vagal nerve stimulation - also VNS
- Vasospasm - also VSP
- Ventral subiculum - also vSUB and VSB
- Vertical Sync - also VSYNC
- Ventral striatum - also vSTR and VST
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