1. VENEZUELA - also VEN, V and Venez
    2. Virtual Environment
    3. Vehicle Engineering
    4. Visual Emissions
    5. Volume expansion
    6. Vaccination effectiveness
    7. Vacuum extractor
    8. Vaginal examination
    9. Vacuum extraction
    10. Exhaust velocity - also EV
    11. Minute volume exhaled
    12. Vaccine effectiveness
    13. Vacuum extractions
    14. Vaccine efficacy
    15. Verapamil - also VER, VRP, VP, VPL, VPM and VR
    16. Ventilation - also VENT, ventil, v, VI, VA, Vt, Vl and Vent.
    17. Vitamin E - also vit e, VitE and VIT-E
    18. Volume - also VOL, v, VL, VO, vm, Vu and vol.
    19. Volumes - also VL, VOL, Vols and vols.
    20. Voltage - also v, Vl, VT, VTE, VA and Vo

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