Thông dụng
%%Đắc Lắc province is located in the Đắc Lắc plateau, one of the three large plateaux in the Central Highlands. Buôn Ma Thuột which is 536 metres above sea level is the provincial capital of Đắc Lắc. The majority of the local inhabitants are the Ê Đê people, one of groups of ethnic minority on the Central Highlands. The peculiar trait of the city is that there are many town houses made of wood in the inner city while many other houses in the suburbs are those on stilt. The city is also surrounded by fruit gardens, rubber plantations, coffee gardens and vegetables. Bản Đôn (Đôn commune) is located nearby the bank of Serepok river, about 50 kilometres from Buôn Ma Thuột. This is the native land of the best elephant hunters and trainers throughout Southeast Asia. Constant development of hunting elephants and other big forest animals from time immemorial has made Bản Đôn regionally reputed as the brisk trading centre on the Central Highlands. Visitors to Bản Đôn will have a chance to make contact with courageous young men sitting on the back of domesticated elephants. Curious visitors may also try to touch a spear head on the wall. That is the hunting tool of an elephant hunter. You can also talk to the hero of the mountain who is named Kru. This man has made a record in the elephant hunting circles by successful trapping of as many as 300 elephants. In addition, Dac Lac still has such tourist attractions as D'raysap Water Fall, Lac Lake, Giu Yok National Park, Bản Jun (Jun Commune).
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