• Thông dụng

    %%With Bến Tre town as provincial capital, Bến Tre is a province that lies in the lowest part of the Mekong River basin. Ben Tre, some 85 kilometres south of Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh, borders on Tiền Giang to the north, Cửu Long to the west and the East Sea to the east. Định Thủy commune (Mỏ Cày district-Bến Tre province) is the cradle of the people's concerted uprising against the US-backed Sài Gòn administration. The tomb of the patriotic poet Nguyễn Đình Chiểu is at An Duc commune, Ba Tri district. Arriving at Cồn Phụng, visitors will see ancient buildings or architectural repute, as well as many orchards.

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