• Thông dụng

    %%Hùynh Thúc Kháng (1876-1947) - a strong-willed patriotic scholar - had his native land in Quảng Nam. He graduated as second-rank doctor, but tried to seek the way for national salvation instead of becoming a mandarin. As a leader of the Duy Tân (Reformist) movement, he was arrested and exiled to Côn Đảo (Poulo Condore )between 1908 and 1921. As a prestigious Confucian scholar, he was appointed as Chief of Institute of people's representatives in Central Vietnam. In 1919, he resigned and switched to the press, then became editor-in-chief of the Tiếng Dân (Voice of the people) newspaper. After the 1945 revolution, he became minister of interior, then the acting President of Vietnam. All his literary works in national and Chinese languages reflected his ardent patriotism.

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