• Thông dụng

    %%Huyền Quang (Lý Đạo Tái, 1254-1334) was both a Buddhist priest and a poet. His native land was in Van Tai commune, Gia Binh district, Bắc Ninh province (present-day Gia Lương, Hà Bắc). Legend has it that he graduated as first-rank doctor at the age of 21, became a mandarin for some time before entering religion. He was given the religious name Huyền Quang by the Supreme Venerable Pháp Loa. After the death of the latter in 1330, Huyền Quang succeeded him as the third Supreme Venerable of the Thiền Trúc Lâm religious order. So far, there remain nearly 30 of his poems describing nature, anxieties on human life and metempsychosis.

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