• Thông dụng

    %%At the age of seven, Lý Chiêu Hoàng (1218-1278) - King Lý Huệ Tôn's daughter - succeeded his father for three months only (between November 1224 and January 1225). With the whole power in his hand, Trần Thủ Độ made artful arrangements so that Lý Chiêu Hoàng would marry his nephew Trần Cảnh (aged eight) and leave the throne to the latter. Consequently, Nhà Trần (Trần Dynasty) replaced Nhà Hậu Lý (Post-Ly Dynasty). But Lý Chiêu Hoàng and Trần Cảnh remained childless after having lived together for tens of years. At that time, Princess Thuận Thiên - Lý Chiêu Hoàng's elder sister, wife of Trần Liễu (Trần Cảnh's elder brother) - had been with child three months. Trần Thủ Độ forced her to marry Tran Canh. Feeling deep grief, Lý Chiêu Hoàng led a retired life in her own palace. Two years later, on celebrating the victory over the Mongol invaders, Trần Thái Tôn (i.e. Trần Cảnh) married Lý Chiêu Hoàng to a general of great merits. She gave birth to two sons and died at the âge of 60.

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