• Thông dụng

    %%Triệu Việt Vương (? - 571) : Born in Châu Diên (present-day Hải Hưng), Triệu Quang Phục was the successor of Lý Nam Đế in the struggle against the Chinese domination. Entrusted with a corps, he withdrew to the Dạ Trạch swamp (Khoái Châu-Hưng Yên) and set up the resistance base. Thanks to his wearing-out strategies, the resistance war changed from defeat to victory. After Lý Nam Đế's death, he proclaimed himself Triệu Việt Vương. Being suddenly attacked by Lý Phật Tử (Lý Nam Đế's nephew) in 571, he lost the battle and killed himself at the Đại Nha (Nam Định) estuary where there would be a temple in dedication to him.

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