• (Khác biệt giữa các bản)
    (hạt dẻ)
    Dòng 14: Dòng 14:
    =====Acorn barnacle a multivalve marine cirriped, Balanusbalanoides, living on rocks. acorn worm any marine wormlikeanimal of the phylum Hemichordata, having a proboscis and gillslits, and inhabiting seashores. [OE ‘cern, rel. to ‘cer ACRE,later assoc. with OAK and CORN(1)]=====
    =====Acorn barnacle a multivalve marine cirriped, Balanusbalanoides, living on rocks. acorn worm any marine wormlikeanimal of the phylum Hemichordata, having a proboscis and gillslits, and inhabiting seashores. [OE ‘cern, rel. to ‘cer ACRE,later assoc. with OAK and CORN(1)]=====
    == Tham khảo chung ==
    Danh từ:
    *[http://usasearch.gov/search?affiliate=nws.noaa.gov&v%3Aproject=firstgov&query=acorn acorn] : National Weather Service
    .Hạt dẻ
    *[http://mathworld.wolfram.com/search/?query=acorn&x=0&y=0 acorn] : Search MathWorld
    *[http://www.corporateinformation.com/Company-Search.aspx?s=acorn acorn] : Corporateinformation
    [[Thể_loại:Thông dụng]]
    *[http://www.eurochlor.org/search/index.asp?q=acorn acorn] : Chlorine Online
    *[http://foldoc.org/?query=acorn acorn] : Foldoc
    [[Category:Thông dụng]][[Category:Từ điển Oxford]][[Category: Tham khảo chung ]]

    00:00, ngày 28 tháng 4 năm 2009


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    The fruit of the oak, with a smooth nut in a rough cuplikebase.
    Acorn barnacle a multivalve marine cirriped, Balanusbalanoides, living on rocks. acorn worm any marine wormlikeanimal of the phylum Hemichordata, having a proboscis and gillslits, and inhabiting seashores. [OE ‘cern, rel. to ‘cer ACRE,later assoc. with OAK and CORN(1)]

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    .Hạt dẻ

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