• Revision as of 13:09, ngày 8 tháng 6 năm 2008 by (Thảo luận)

    Thông dụng

    Ngoại động từ

    Truyền (cảm hứng, ý nghĩ...); truyền cảm hứng cho (ai), gây cảm hứng cho (ai)
    Gây (tình cảm...) (cho ai); gây ra; xúi giục
    Hít vào, thở vào
    (tôn giáo) linh cảm

    Kỹ thuật chung

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    hút vào

    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh


    Animate, activate, actuate, stimulate, invigorate, stir,move, waken, awaken, arouse, rouse, instigate, prompt, rally,energize, enliven, vitalize, vivify, galvanize, inspirit,excite, spark (off), quicken, kindle, fire, provoke: It was theinflammatory speeches that inspired the crowd to riot. Hisenthusiasm inspired her to take up writing as a profession. 2encourage, strengthen, support, reinforce, buoy (up), uplift,boost, affirm, confirm, fortify, buttress: Your example hasinspired many young people.



    Stimulate or arouse (a person) to esp. creativeactivity, esp. by supposed divine or supernatural agency (yourfaith inspired him; inspired by God).
    A (usu. foll. by with)animate (a person) with a feeling. b (usu. foll. by into)instil (a feeling) into a person etc. c (usu. foll. by in)create (a feeling) in a person.
    Prompt; give rise to (thepoem was inspired by the autumn).
    (as inspired adj.) a (of awork of art etc.) as if prompted by or emanating from asupernatural source; characterized by inspiration (an inspiredspeech). b (of a guess) intuitive but accurate.
    (alsoabsol.) breathe in (air etc.); inhale.
    Inspiratory adj.inspiredly adv. inspirer n. inspiring adj. inspiringly adv.[ME f. OF inspirer f. L inspirare breathe in (as IN-(2), spirarebreathe)]

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