Slaughter, slaughtering, carnage, annihilation,annihilating, blood bath, killing, execution, extermination,exterminating, butchery, butchering, (mass) murder, murdering,slaying, liquidation, pogrom, genocide: The massacre ofmillions of innocent people followed the coup.
Slaughter, annihilate, kill, execute, exterminate,butcher, murder, slay, liquidate, destroy, eliminate,obliterate, eradicate, put to the sword, decimate, Colloq mowdown, Slang bump off: It was their policy to massacre all themen and take captive all the women and children.
N. & v.
A general slaughter (of persons, occasionallyof animals).
An utter defeat or destruction.
Makea massacre of.
Murder (esp. a large number of people) cruellyor violently. [OF, of unkn. orig.]
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