• Revision as of 03:35, ngày 5 tháng 1 năm 2009 by Xinhoilaxinh (Thảo luận | đóng góp)

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    Cách viết khác humpbacked

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    một trăm
    one hundred percent-column graph
    đồ thị cột một trăm phần trăm


    N. & adj.
    N. (pl. hundreds or (in sense 1) hundred) (insing., prec. by a or one) 1 the product of ten and ten.
    Asymbol for this (100, c, C).
    A set of a hundred things.
    (in sing. or pl.) colloq. a large number.
    (in pl.) the yearsof a specified century (the seventeen hundreds).
    Brit. hist.a subdivision of a county or shire, having its own court.
    That amount to a hundred.
    Used to express wholehours in the 24-hour system (thirteen hundred hours).
    Entire, complete.
    (usu. with neg.) fully recovered. hundredsand thousands tiny coloured sweets used chiefly for decoratingcakes etc.
    Hundredfold adj. & adv. hundredth adj. & n. [OEf. Gmc]

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