• Beak

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    the bill of a bird; neb.
    any similar horny mouthpart in other animals, as the turtle or duckbill.
    anything beaklike or ending in a point, as the spout of a pitcher.
    Slang . a person's nose.
    Entomology . proboscis ( def. 3 ) .
    Botany . a narrowed or prolonged tip.
    Nautical . (formerly) a metal or metal-sheathed projection from the bow of a warship, used to ram enemy vessels; ram; rostrum.
    Typography . a serif on the arm of a character, as of a K.
    Also called bird's beak. Architecture . a pendant molding forming a drip, as on the soffit of a cornice.
    Chiefly British Slang .
    a judge; magistrate.
    a schoolmaster.

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