Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
a stone implement with a tapering end found in some Middle and Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic cultures and used primarily for hunting.
(in acupuncture) a particular spot on the body at which a needle may be inserted, as to relieve pain.
Navigation . any of 32 separate horizontal directions, 11? 15 apart, as indicated on the card of a compass or gauged with reference to the heading of a vessel.
a distinguishing mark or quality, esp. one of an animal, used as a standard in stockbreeding, judging, etc.
Ice Hockey . either of two positions, to the right or left of the goal, to which an attacking defenseman is assigned, usually in the execution of a power play, to help keep the puck in the attacking zone.
Basketball . a position in the front court, usually taken by the guard in charge of setting up the team's offense.
Cricket .
- the position of the fielder who plays a short distance in front of and to the offside of the batsman.
- the fielder playing this position.
Hunting .
- the action of a hunting dog that indicates the presence and location of game by standing rigid and directing its head toward the game.
- the position taken by a hunting dog in pointing game.
Education . a single credit, usually corresponding to an hour's class work per week for one semester.
Electricity .
- Also called breaker point. either of a pair of contacts tipped with tungsten or platinum that make or break current flow in a distributor, as in an automobile.
- British . an outlet or socket.
Commerce .
- a unit of price quotation, as in the U.S., one dollar in stock transactions, one hundredth of a cent in cotton and coffee, or one cent in oil, grain, pork, etc.
- The price of stock went up two points today.
- (esp. in motion pictures) a percentage point, usually of the gross profits, granted to someone who agrees to invest or otherwise participate in a business project
- The star of the movie recieved a million dollar guarantee and five points.
one percent of the face value of a loan, esp. a mortgage loan, added on as a placement fee or a service charge and paid in advance or upon closing of the loan.
Military .
- a patrol or reconnaissance unit that goes ahead of the advance party of an advance guard, or follows the rear party of the rear guard.
- the stroke in bayonet drill or combat.
Printing .
- a unit of type measurement equal to 0.013835 inch ( 1 / 72 inch), or 1 / 12 pica. Compare Didot point system .
- Also called press-point. (in a press) one of several metal prongs for perforating the sheet so that it will be in register when the reverse is printed.
Verb (used with object)
Sculpture . to transfer measurements of depth from a clay, wax, or plaster model to (a block of stone) by means of an apparatus that drills holes to the required depth prior to carving.
Hunting . (of a hunting dog) to indicate the presence and location of (game) by standing rigid and facing toward the game.
at this point in time
- now; at this precise moment in history
- At this point in time the President believes peace has been achieved.
- bit , count , dot , fleck , flyspeck , full stop , iota , mark , minim , mite , mote , notch , particle , period , scrap , stop , tittle , tracenotes:the stylus , or point , of a record player is held by the cartridge ; the base of the turntable is called the deck , locality , locus , place , position , site , situation , spot , stage , station , wherenotes:the stylus , apex , awn , barb , beak , bill , cape , claw , cusp , dagger , foreland , head , headland , jag , nib , pin point , prick , prickler , promontory , prong , snag , spike , spine , spire , spur , sticker , stiletto , summit , sword , thorn , tine , tip , toothnotes:the stylus , brink , condition , date , degree , duration , edge , extent , instant , juncture , limit , moment , point in time , threshold , time , verge , very minutenotes:the stylus , appeal , attraction , bottom line * , charm , cogency , design , effectiveness , end , fascination , intent , intention , interest , motive , name of the game * , nitty-gritty * , nub , nuts and bolts * , object , objective , punch * , purpose , reason , significance , use , usefulness , utility , validity , validnessnotes:the stylus , argument , burden , core , crux , drift , force , gist , heart , idea , import , kicker , main idea , marrow , matter , meat * , motif , pith , pointer , proposition , punch line * , question , score , stuff , subject , subject matter , text , theme , thrust , tip-off , topicnotes:the stylus , attribute , case , circumstance , circumstantial , constituent , detail , element , facet , feature , instance , item , material , nicety , part , particular , peculiarity , property , quality , respect , side , thing * , traitnotes:the stylus , tallynotes:the stylus , acicula , acumination , mucro , mucronation , dash , pinpoint , speck , location , grade , level , peg , rung , step , borderline , aim , ambition , goal , meaning , target , view , why , topic , purport , significancy
- bespeak , button down , denote , designate , direct , finger * , hint , imply , indicate , lead , make * , name , offer , peg * , pin down , put down for , put finger on , signify , suggest , tab * , tag *notes:the stylus , or point , of a record player is held by the cartridge ; the base of the turntable is called the deck , aim , beam * , bring to bear , cast , face , guide , head , influence , lay , level , look , slant , steer , tend , train , turn , zero in *notes:the stylus
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