Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
boys, ( used with a singular or plural verb )
- a range of sizes from 8 to 20 in garments made for boys.
- a garment in this size range.
- the department or section of a store where these garments are sold.
Disparaging and Offensive . a man considered by the speaker to be inferior in race, nationality, or occupational status.
- buck , cadet , chap , child , dude * , fellow , gamin , guy , half-pint , junior , lad , little guy , little shaver , master , punk * , puppy * , runt * , schoolboy , shaver , small fry , sonny , sprout * , squirt * , stripling , tadpole , whippersnapper , youngster , youth , adolescent , bat , beau , boyfriend , boyhood , boyishness , bub , bud , buddy , callant , catamite , ephebus , gutter-snipe , guttersnipe , hobbledehoy , juvenility , knave , lover , male , manikin , minor , nipper , page , paramour , puerilism , puerility , ragamuffin , rascal , scapegoat , servant , son , spalpeen , sprig , sweetheart , tad , urchin , valet , waif , water , whipping boy , youngling , younker
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