• The

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    (used, esp. before a noun, with a specifying or particularizing effect, as opposed to the indefinite or generalizing force of the indefinite article a or an )
    the book you gave me; Come into the house.
    (used to mark a proper noun, natural phenomenon, ship, building, time, point of the compass, branch of endeavor, or field of study as something well-known or unique)
    the sun; the Alps; the Queen Elizabeth; the past; the West.
    (used with or as part of a title)
    the Duke of Wellington; the Reverend John Smith.
    (used to mark a noun as indicating the best-known, most approved, most important, most satisfying, etc.)
    the skiing center of the U.S.; If you're going to work hard, now is the time.
    (used to mark a noun as being used generically)
    The dog is a quadruped.
    (used in place of a possessive pronoun, to note a part of the body or a personal belonging)
    He won't be able to play football until the leg mends.
    (used before adjectives that are used substantively, to note an individual, a class or number of individuals, or an abstract idea)
    to visit the sick; from the sublime to the ridiculous.
    (used before a modifying adjective to specify or limit its modifying effect)
    He took the wrong road and drove miles out of his way.
    (used to indicate one particular decade of a lifetime or of a century)
    the sixties; the gay nineties.
    (one of many of a class or type, as of a manufactured item, as opposed to an individual one)
    Did you listen to the radio last night?
    (used distributively, to note any one separately) for, to, or in each; a or an
    at one dollar the pound.

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