• Buck up

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Verb (used without object)

    (of a saddle or pack animal) to leap with arched back and come down with head low and forelegs stiff, in order to dislodge a rider or pack.
    Informal . to resist or oppose obstinately; object strongly
    The mayor bucked at the school board's suggestion.
    (of a vehicle, motor, or the like) to operate unevenly; move by jerks and bounces.

    Verb (used with object)

    to throw or attempt to throw (a rider or pack) by bucking.
    to force a way through or proceed against (an obstacle)
    The plane bucked a strong headwind.
    to strike with the head; butt.
    to resist or oppose obstinately; object strongly to.
    Football . (of a ball-carrier) to charge into (the opponent's line).
    to gamble, play, or take a risk against
    He was bucking the odds when he bought that failing business.
    to press a reinforcing device against (the force of a rivet) in order to absorb vibration and increase expansion.


    an act of bucking. ?

    Verb phrases

    buck for, to strive for a promotion or some other advantage
    to buck for a raise.
    buck up, to make or become more cheerful, vigorous, etc.
    She knew that with a change of scene she would soon buck up.



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