• Carter

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    Bennett Lester ( Benny ), 1907?2003, U.S. jazz saxophonist and composer.
    Betty ( Lillie Mae Jones ), 1930?98, U.S. jazz singer.
    Don(ald James), born 1926, U.S. bowler.
    (Eleanor) Rosalynn Smith / ?ro? z? l?n / Show Spelled Pronunciation [ roh -z uh -lin ] Show IPA Pronunciation , born 1928, U.S. first lady 1977?81 (wife of Jimmy Carter).
    Elliott (Cook, Jr.), born 1908, U.S. composer.
    Howard, 1873?1939, English Egyptologist.
    James Earl, Jr. ( Jimmy ), born 1924, 39th president of the U.S. 1977?81.
    Mrs. Leslie ( Caroline Louise Dudley ), 1862?1937, U.S. actress.
    Nick, pen name of authors who wrote detective-story series in which Nick Carter, created by John R. Coryell, is the main character.
    a male given name.


    a heavy two-wheeled vehicle, commonly without springs, drawn by mules, oxen, or the like, used for the conveyance of heavy goods.
    a light two-wheeled vehicle with springs, drawn by a horse or pony.
    any small vehicle pushed or pulled by hand.
    Obsolete . a chariot.

    Verb (used with object)

    to haul or convey in or as if in a cart or truck
    to cart garbage to the dump.

    Verb (used without object)

    to drive a cart. ?

    Verb phrase

    cart off or away, to transport or take away in an unceremonious manner
    The police came and carted him off to jail.


    on the water cart
    British . wagon ( def. 14 ) .
    put the cart before the horse
    to do or place things in improper order; be illogical.

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