• Casing

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    a case or covering; housing.
    material for a case or covering.
    the framework around a door or window.
    the outermost covering of an automobile tire.
    any frame or framework.
    a steel pipe or tubing, esp. as used in oil and gas wells.
    a layer of glass that has been fused to an underlying layer of glass of a different color or of different properties.
    the thin, tubular membrane of the intestines of sheep, cattle, or hogs, or a synthetic facsimile, for encasing processed meat in making sausages, salamis, etc.
    Nautical . the walls surrounding a funnel.
    a channel created in a garment or other article to carry a drawstring or elastic, as by sewing a strip of cloth to the basic material with two parallel rows of stitches.


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