• Conjugational

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    Grammar .
    the inflection of verbs.
    the whole set of inflected forms of a verb or the recital or display thereof in a fixed order
    The conjugation of the Latin verb amo begins am?, amas, amat.
    a class of verbs having similar sets of inflected forms
    the Latin second conjugation.
    an act of joining
    a conjugation of related ideas.
    the state of being joined together; union; conjunction.
    Biology .
    the reproductive process in ciliate protozoans in which two organisms of different mating types exchange nuclear material through a temporary area of fusion.
    temporary union or permanent fusion as a form of sexual reproduction in certain algae and fungi, the male gametes of one organism uniting with female gametes of the other.
    a temporary union of two bacteria, in Escherichia and related groups, in which genetic material is transferred by migration of a plasmid, either solitary or as part of a chromosome, from one bacterium, the donor, to the other, the recipient; sometimes also including the transfer of resistance to antibiotics.

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