• Driver

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    a person or thing that drives.
    a person who drives a vehicle; coachman, chauffeur, etc.
    a person who drives an animal or animals, as a drover or cowboy.
    Also called number one wood. Golf . a club with a wooden head whose face has almost no slope, for hitting long, low drives from the tee.
    Machinery .
    a part that transmits force or motion.
    the member of a pair of connected pulleys, gears, etc., that is nearer to the power source.
    Computers . software or hardware that controls the interface between a computer and a peripheral device.
    Railroads . driving wheel ( def. 2 ) .
    British . a locomotive engineer.
    Audio .
    the part of a loudspeaker that transforms the electrical signal into sound.
    the entire loudspeaker.
    Nautical .
    a jib-headed spanker sail.
    a designation given to one of the masts abaft the mizzen on a sailing vessel having more than three masts, either the fifth or sixth from forward. Compare pusher ( def. 4 ) , spanker ( def. 1b ) .



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