• Hammer

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    a tool consisting of a solid head, usually of metal, set crosswise on a handle, used for beating metals, driving nails, etc.
    any of various instruments or devices resembling this in form, action, or use, as a gavel, a mallet for playing the xylophone, or a lever that strikes the bell in a doorbell.
    Firearms . the part of a lock that by its fall or action causes the discharge, as by exploding the percussion cap or striking the primer or firing pin; the cock.
    one of the padded levers by which the strings of a piano are struck.
    Track . a metal ball, usually weighing 16 lb. (7.3 kg), attached to a steel wire at the end of which is a grip, for throwing for distance in the hammer throw.
    Anatomy . the malleus.

    Verb (used with object)

    to beat or drive (a nail, peg, etc.) with a hammer.
    to fasten by using hammer and nails; nail (often fol. by down, up, etc.)
    We spent the day hammering up announcements on fences and trees.
    to assemble or build with a hammer and nails (often fol. by together )
    He hammered together a small crate.
    to shape or ornament (metal or a metal object) by controlled and repeated blows of a hammer; beat out
    to hammer brass; to hammer a brass bowl.
    to form, construct, or make with or as if with a hammer; build by repeated, vigorous, or strenuous effort (often fol. by out or together )
    to hammer out an agreement; to hammer together a plot.
    to produce with or by force (often fol. by out )
    to hammer out a tune on the piano; to hammer a home run.
    to pound or hit forcefully
    to hammer someone in the jaw.
    to settle (a strong disagreement, argument, etc.); bring to an end, as by strenuous or repeated effort (usually fol. by out )
    They hammered out their differences over a glass of beer.
    to present (points in an argument, an idea, etc.) forcefully or compellingly; state strongly, aggressively, and effectively (often fol. by home ).
    to impress (something) as if by hammer blows
    You'll have to hammer the rules into his head.
    British .
    (in the London stock exchange) to dismiss (a person) from membership because of default.
    to depress the price of (a stock).

    Verb (used without object)

    to strike blows with or as if with a hammer.
    to make persistent or laborious attempts to finish or perfect something (sometimes fol. by away )
    He hammered away at his speech for days.
    to reiterate; emphasize by repetition (often fol. by away )
    The teacher hammered away at the multiplication tables.


    under the hammer
    for sale at public auction
    The old estate and all its furnishings went under the hammer.

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