Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Noun, plural -geries.
the crime of falsely making or altering a writing by which the legal rights or obligations of another person are apparently affected; simulated signing of another person's name to any such writing whether or not it is also the forger's name.
- bogus * , carbon * , carbon copy , cheat , coining , copy , fabrication , fake , faking , falsification , fraudulence , imitating , imitation , imposition , imposture , lookalike , phony , pseudo , sham * , twin , workalikenotes:a fake is a work of art that is deliberately made or altered to appear better , older , or other than what it is; a forgery is a fraudulent imitation of another thing that already exists , sham , (civ. law) falsi crimen , counterfeit , counterfeiting , deception , feigning , fiction , fraud , pseudograph , pseudography
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