• Hiring

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Verb (used with object)

    to engage the services of (a person or persons) for wages or other payment
    to hire a clerk.
    to engage the temporary use of at a set price; rent
    to hire a limousine.


    the act of hiring.
    the state or condition of being hired.
    the price or compensation paid or contracted to be paid for the temporary use of something or for personal services or labor; pay
    The laborer is worthy of his hire.
    Informal . a person hired or to be hired
    Most of our new hires are college-educated.


    British . available for hire; rental
    a hire car.

    Verb phrases

    hire on, to obtain employment; take a job
    They hired on as wranglers with the rodeo.
    hire out, to offer or exchange one's services for payment
    He hired himself out as a handyman.


    for hire, available for use or service in exchange for payment. Also
    on hire.

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