- aspect , cast , chroma , complexion , dye , tincture , tinge , tint , tone , valuenotes:color refers to the wavelength composition of light , shade is a gradation of color referring to its degree of darkness , tint is a gradation referring to its degree of lightness , and hue indicates a modification of a basic colorhew means to make or shape as with an axe , while a hue is a particular gradation of color , a shade or tinthue is the quality of a color that makes it possible to call it bluish green , etc. (the color of a color); shade is a color variation having to do with the value of a hue (lightness or darkness) , and tint is a pale variation of a colora color\'s value is its brightness , its chroma is its strength , and its hue is its position in the spectrum , shade , gradation , appearance , color , depict , form , outcry , shout
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