• Impale

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Verb (used with object), -paled, -paling.

    to fasten, stick, or fix upon a sharpened stake or the like.
    to pierce with a sharpened stake thrust up through the body, as for torture or punishment.
    to fix upon, or pierce through with, anything pointed.
    to make helpless as if pierced through.
    Archaic . to enclose with or as if with pales or stakes; fence in; hem in.
    Heraldry .
    to marshal (two coats of arms, as the family arms of a husband and wife) on an escutcheon party per pale.
    (of a coat of arms) to be combined with (another coat of arms) in this way.

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